January 11, 2006

Cat under truck survives 100km ride underneath a truck. [vid] Will now go on to terrorize Nick Nolte and Jessica Lange. more inside

January 10, 2006

Ted Kennedy writes a book. 'Profiles in Courage' it ain't. But that's ok. more inside

January 09, 2006

North Star actually three. Twin suns of Tatooine? Pfft! more inside

January 05, 2006

Irving Layton dead at 93. The poet and glutton of life, greatest of all the Montreal School of Poetry, winner of the GG for A Red Carpet for the Sun, Nobel nominee, greatest graduate of Baron Byng High, sole man on Earth born with the Messianic sign, has died. Thanks for the poetry, Mr. Layton.

January 04, 2006

Mooning ruled 'distasteful, not illegal'. Why you would ever taste someone mooning, I have no idea, but it's good news nevertheless, right? [via FreeInternetPress] more inside

December 21, 2005

The Horror! The Horror! Dan Savage is running a bunch of loss-of-virginity horror stories this week, which is pretty funny, although it doesn't rival the classic edition with the Masturbation Horrors (I've never seen Mickey Mouse toothbrushes the same since). more inside

December 20, 2005

Curious George: New Year's Eve "Maybe it's much too early in the game / But I'd thought I'd ask you all just the same / What are you doing New Year's / New Year's Eve?"

December 19, 2005

Quand il est mort le poete... Au revoir, Sol.

December 14, 2005

Campaign 2006: Beer? Or Kids? In this, the dullest Canadian Election yet (a title which is ironically a more interesting contest than this snoozefest), there's only been one bit of excitement -- an offhand quote about kiddie-care allowances being used to buy 'beer and popcorn'. Well, the inevitable e-petitions have arrived: those in favour of kids, and those in favour of beer. more inside

December 12, 2005

"Ice is Nature's way of saying 'get involved'." Last Saturday, at the Rheostatics' 5th annual Winter Nationals at the Horseshoe, some clips were played from funnyguys Truthhorse, whom I had never seen. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was the company, but we all seemed to love the videos of people getting hurt. more inside

December 09, 2005

The World Cup draw has been made. Gentlemen, start your moaning... more inside

December 07, 2005

Add your name to a NASA probe going somewhere really far. Name gets put on microchip, chip gets put on probe, probe gets blasted off into space, will go somewhere, may or may not work. (Hell, you signed that internet petition to stop the war in Iraq, maybe your luck will be better this time around.) more inside

December 02, 2005

Curious George, Producer. Friend of mine "somehow" scored VIP access to the 2006 Oscar ceremonies -- show, afterparties, blah blah blah. (He has a knack for hooking up with these sorts of things.) He'll be meeting lots of producers. He wants ideas to pitch for tv shows or movies. I told him we could help. more inside

November 28, 2005

I've checked, and this isn't on the list of my favourite things. Andrew Lloyd Webber is to start up a reality tv show, searching for the star of his stage remake of The Sound of Music. more inside

November 14, 2005

The Last Temptation of Martin Scorsese: giving in to retirement. Marty is going to give up making features, concentrate on making documentaries and shorts. more inside

November 10, 2005

Nevermind this bollocks. St. Martin's School of Art has installed a plaque honouring the very first gig by the Sex Pistols, thirty goddamn years ago. Or have they? more inside

November 08, 2005

Juvie Warden resigns because of "personal problems". Being checking out foot-fetish sites at work, not because of anything he did to the kids. [via obscurestore] more inside

October 31, 2005

Seven firemen fired for having sex while on duty. After 9/11, we all changed. More than ever, even since the dawn of charity calendars, firemen were able to catch more tail than the Humane Society. [via obscurestore] more inside

October 05, 2005

Tommy and Katie are expecting a baby. I'm expecting to be horrified. Yes, we here at MonkeyFilter normally discuss the loftier aspects of life, but we're always open for some good ol' Tommy-bashing. Gentlemen, start your slander..! more inside

October 04, 2005

Xena and Gabrielle, together forever. Scientists have dubbed celestial object 2003 UB313 'Xena', and her orbiting moon 'Gabrielle'. Aww... so cute. more inside
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